We present a Machine Learning (ML) study case to illustrate the challenges of clinical translation for a real-time AI-empowered echocardiography system with data of ICU patients in LMICs. Such ML case study includes data preparation, curation and labelling from 2D Ultrasound videos of 31 ICU patients in LMICs and model selection, validation and deployment of three thinner neural networks to classify apical four-chamber view. Results of the ML heuristics showed the promising implementation, validation and application of thinner networks to classify 4CV with limited datasets. We conclude this work mentioning the need for (a) datasets to improve diversity of demographics, diseases, and (b) the need of further investigations of thinner models to be run and implemented in low-cost hardware to be clinically translated in the ICU in LMICs. The code and other resources to reproduce this work are available at https://github.com/vital-ultrasound/ai-assisted-echocardiography-for-low-resource-countries.
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从非规范目标分布中抽样是概率推断中许多应用的基本问题。 Stein变异梯度下降(SVGD)已被证明是一种强大的方法,它迭代地更新一组粒子以近似关注的分布。此外,在分析其渐近性特性时,SVGD会准确地减少到单目标优化问题,并可以看作是此单目标优化问题的概率版本。然后出现一个自然的问题:“我们可以得出多目标优化的概率版本吗?”。为了回答这个问题,我们提出了随机多重目标采样梯度下降(MT-SGD),从而使我们能够从多个非差异目标分布中采样。具体而言,我们的MT-SGD进行了中间分布的流动,逐渐取向多个目标分布,这使采样颗粒可以移动到目标分布的关节高样区域。有趣的是,渐近分析表明,正如预期的那样,我们的方法准确地减少了多级下降算法以进行多目标优化。最后,我们进行全面的实验,以证明我们进行多任务学习方法的优点。
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Modern deep neural networks have achieved superhuman performance in tasks from image classification to game play. Surprisingly, these various complex systems with massive amounts of parameters exhibit the same remarkable structural properties in their last-layer features and classifiers across canonical datasets. This phenomenon is known as "Neural Collapse," and it was discovered empirically by Papyan et al. \cite{Papyan20}. Recent papers have theoretically shown the global solutions to the training network problem under a simplified "unconstrained feature model" exhibiting this phenomenon. We take a step further and prove the Neural Collapse occurrence for deep linear network for the popular mean squared error (MSE) and cross entropy (CE) loss. Furthermore, we extend our research to imbalanced data for MSE loss and present the first geometric analysis for Neural Collapse under this setting.
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Adversarial machine learning has been both a major concern and a hot topic recently, especially with the ubiquitous use of deep neural networks in the current landscape. Adversarial attacks and defenses are usually likened to a cat-and-mouse game in which defenders and attackers evolve over the time. On one hand, the goal is to develop strong and robust deep networks that are resistant to malicious actors. On the other hand, in order to achieve that, we need to devise even stronger adversarial attacks to challenge these defense models. Most of existing attacks employs a single $\ell_p$ distance (commonly, $p\in\{1,2,\infty\}$) to define the concept of closeness and performs steepest gradient ascent w.r.t. this $p$-norm to update all pixels in an adversarial example in the same way. These $\ell_p$ attacks each has its own pros and cons; and there is no single attack that can successfully break through defense models that are robust against multiple $\ell_p$ norms simultaneously. Motivated by these observations, we come up with a natural approach: combining various $\ell_p$ gradient projections on a pixel level to achieve a joint adversarial perturbation. Specifically, we learn how to perturb each pixel to maximize the attack performance, while maintaining the overall visual imperceptibility of adversarial examples. Finally, through various experiments with standardized benchmarks, we show that our method outperforms most current strong attacks across state-of-the-art defense mechanisms, while retaining its ability to remain clean visually.
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Online Class Incremental learning (CIL) is a challenging setting in Continual Learning (CL), wherein data of new tasks arrive in incoming streams and online learning models need to handle incoming data streams without revisiting previous ones. Existing works used a single centroid adapted with incoming data streams to characterize a class. This approach possibly exposes limitations when the incoming data stream of a class is naturally multimodal. To address this issue, in this work, we first propose an online mixture model learning approach based on nice properties of the mature optimal transport theory (OT-MM). Specifically, the centroids and covariance matrices of the mixture model are adapted incrementally according to incoming data streams. The advantages are two-fold: (i) we can characterize more accurately complex data streams and (ii) by using centroids for each class produced by OT-MM, we can estimate the similarity of an unseen example to each class more reasonably when doing inference. Moreover, to combat the catastrophic forgetting in the CIL scenario, we further propose Dynamic Preservation. Particularly, after performing the dynamic preservation technique across data streams, the latent representations of the classes in the old and new tasks become more condensed themselves and more separate from each other. Together with a contraction feature extractor, this technique facilitates the model in mitigating the catastrophic forgetting. The experimental results on real-world datasets show that our proposed method can significantly outperform the current state-of-the-art baselines.
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Diffusion models are rising as a powerful solution for high-fidelity image generation, which exceeds GANs in quality in many circumstances. However, their slow training and inference speed is a huge bottleneck, blocking them from being used in real-time applications. A recent DiffusionGAN method significantly decreases the models' running time by reducing the number of sampling steps from thousands to several, but their speeds still largely lag behind the GAN counterparts. This paper aims to reduce the speed gap by proposing a novel wavelet-based diffusion structure. We extract low-and-high frequency components from both image and feature levels via wavelet decomposition and adaptively handle these components for faster processing while maintaining good generation quality. Furthermore, we propose to use a reconstruction term, which effectively boosts the model training convergence. Experimental results on CelebA-HQ, CIFAR-10, LSUN-Church, and STL-10 datasets prove our solution is a stepping-stone to offering real-time and high-fidelity diffusion models. Our code and pre-trained checkpoints will be available at \url{https://github.com/VinAIResearch/WaveDiff.git}.
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Graph neural networks (GNNs) are susceptible to privacy inference attacks (PIAs), given their ability to learn joint representation from features and edges among nodes in graph data. To prevent privacy leakages in GNNs, we propose a novel heterogeneous randomized response (HeteroRR) mechanism to protect nodes' features and edges against PIAs under differential privacy (DP) guarantees without an undue cost of data and model utility in training GNNs. Our idea is to balance the importance and sensitivity of nodes' features and edges in redistributing the privacy budgets since some features and edges are more sensitive or important to the model utility than others. As a result, we derive significantly better randomization probabilities and tighter error bounds at both levels of nodes' features and edges departing from existing approaches, thus enabling us to maintain high data utility for training GNNs. An extensive theoretical and empirical analysis using benchmark datasets shows that HeteroRR significantly outperforms various baselines in terms of model utility under rigorous privacy protection for both nodes' features and edges. That enables us to defend PIAs in DP-preserving GNNs effectively.
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切成薄片的Wasserstein(SW)距离已在不同的应用程序场景中广泛使用,因为它可以缩放到大量的支撑量,而不会受到维数的诅咒。切成薄片的瓦斯坦距离的值是通过radon变换(RT)获得的原始度量的一维表示(投影)之间运输成本的平均值。尽管估计切成薄片的瓦斯坦族的支持效率,但仍需要在高维环境中进行相对较大的预测。因此,对于与维度相比,支撑次数相对较少的应用,例如,使用微型批量方法的几个深度学习应用,radon transform的矩阵乘法中的复杂性成为主要计算瓶颈。为了解决这个问题,我们建议通过线性和随机组合少量的预测来得出预测,这些预测被称为瓶颈预测。我们通过引入层次ra transform(HRT)来解释这些投影的用法,该层rad rad transform(HRT)是通过递归应用radon变换变体构建的。然后,我们将方法制定为措施之间的新指标,该指标命名为分层切片瓦斯坦(HSW)距离。通过证明HRT的注入性,我们得出了HSW的指标。此外,我们研究了HSW的理论特性,包括其与SW变体的联系及其计算和样品复杂性。最后,我们将HSW的计算成本和生成质量与常规SW进行比较,使用包括CIFAR10,Celeba和Tiny Imagenet在内的各种基准数据集进行深层生成建模的任务。
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